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2023-07-01 19:46:23     


Singapore, an island, a racially diverse country, an education hub, the host of the World Book Fair. Here we are in Singapore, an island where certificates matter and the capable thrive. It has become a must for us to upgrade ourselves. As the famous Chinese say in goes, “活到老,学到老” It means learning is lifelong. We should alwaysdisplay such a mentality.

The World Book Fair provides a chance for all to learn, a chance to pursue our interests and most importantly a chance to upgrade ourselves. With self-help books, management titles religious texts, novels, resource material not easily accessible to teachers and students at bookshops, there are plenty for everyone to learn from.

Step into the World Book Fair and it promises learning opportunities.

Like the famous line of stand up comedian Russell Peters said “Be a man, do the right thing.”

Take this step forward.

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